How to Choose the Best WordPress Drag and Drop Page Builder

Ramya Sai
6 min readApr 8, 2022

WordPress is the best CMS and the greatest website builder of all time. Agreed. Why else would 40% of the webmasters have used it?

But the absence of a drag-and-drop builder is very discomforting, especially for business owners looking after their own websites and digital freshers.

Regular page builders take more time.
You need a higher level of expertise.
And a lot more patience.

It is irksome. And often hinders use.

But, WordPress is trying to do counter the issue. The most noticeable effort has been the Block Editor (aka the Gutenberg editor). And it is good.

But you still miss a proper drag and drop solution.

The WordPress website builder has a steeper learning curve. And no drag and drop option is the primary reason for that.

But what’s not available in the package is available outside. There are two options.

  1. Drag and drop WordPress themes, and
  2. Plugin page builders for WordPress.

Both these options have their own upsides. But one thing in common.

You have to scavenge through the jungle of crap. Only then you’ll get to the elixir of ease.

Burdened by the weight of choices?
Don’t get overwhelmed.
We’ve got a cheat sheet ready for you.

Follow five quick steps and find the best WordPress drag and drop page builder.

Step 1: Know Why You Need A Drag And Drop Page Builder?

Knowledge is power.

Teachers often use this line to motivate students. But it will be your guiding light in your search for the best WordPress drag and drop page builder.

You need to know what you need. Only then can you ensure finding a solution that offers just that.

For example, if you are just looking for ease of use, you can select a page builder with the flattest learning curve.

But do you also want the drag and drop page builder to be able to help you add video, audio, and other content formats? Then, you’d have to look further and wider.

Start by introspecting your needs. Once you know the main feature or solution you need, you’d be able to find a suitable page builder sooner.

Step 2: What Else Do You Need In Your Page Builder?

The 21st century is not the era of service providers.

Today, the solution provider is the one who rules the roost.

And that’s why there is drag and drop page builders in the market that do more than letting you drag and drop content and elements on your website pages.

But you cannot just pick any random page builder solution. You need one that meets and exceeds your needs.

So, list your secondary needs now. The following questions will help you outline the features you require:

  • Do you want the page builder to help you create versions of your page for different devices?
  • Do you want the page builder to be able to edit the header, footer, navigation menu, and other spaces on your site?
  • Would you be okay if the page builder slows down your site’s load time by a couple of seconds? (If not, look for speed-optimized WordPress drag and drop page builders.)
  • Do you want to be able to add custom HTML codes and elements using the page builder?

Depending on what you want (not merely need), you can select website builders that offer the frills and fillers that matter.

Step 3: How Much Are You Ready To Pay For It?

Heads Up: This is the hardest part of the process.

No matter how deep your pockets run, you don’t want to hit bottom for a drag and drop page builder.

Have a tiny budget? Look for free options.

To your relief, WordPress drag and drop page builder plugins are often available for free.

However, some additional features still have to be paid for.

There are two ways to determine the amount that you can comfortably pay.

  • One, check your cash flows and bank statements to find how much money you can set aside.
  • Two, check how much ROI the investment would yield.

Suppose you are hiring a web designer right now.

But investing in a drag and drop page builder will help you get rid of the cost of the designer.

In such cases, you can pay at least a couple of dollars. After all, you’d be saving thousands of dollars each year with the investment.

Are you just investing in a page builder with drag and drop functionality to enhance the ease of working?
You should stick to free alternatives.
That’s because the time and effort you’d be saving might not translate into monetary terms.

Step 4: Check Out What The Others Are Saying, Doing, And Choosing?

The best to learn?
To learn from others’ mistakes.

Following others’ footsteps is always simpler, right?
Especially when the road is tricky for first-times.

By now, you would have come down to a couple of WordPress page builders that meet your primary and secondary needs and also fit your budget.

Now’s the time to dig deeper.

Check out their reviews and ratings on trusted platforms.

Know someone who used the drag and drop page builder before? Hit the call button on your cell and ask them about their experience.

Ask people around in your Reddit, Quora, or LinkedIn circles.

Every person you ask will have had a different experience. And those experiences will help you not repeat others’ mistakes.

Don’t have personal contacts to ask for references and experiences? The reviews on forums and other similar platforms will give you enough insights.

Step 5: Check For Yourself If The Claims Are True?

Heard what everyone had to say about the best drag and drop builders?

Now, test the claims on your own.
With trials, of course.

Hey, but don’t try out new plugins directly on your site. Create free dummy WordPress websites. And try the free plugins and themes there. You don’t want your site to break when you try out plugins or themes.

Also, paid themes and plugins more often than not come with demos. So use those options too.

When you actually see a drag and drop page builder in action, you are in a better position to assess it.

Do you feel comfortable with the page builder?
Will you be able to use it in the long run?
What level of support is available?
Were you able to get your doubts solved?
Is the experience seamless?

The WordPress drag and drop page builder that offers positive answers for all these questions is the one you should pick.

Begin Your Journey Towards Success

If you religiously follow this guide, you’d be able to choose the best WordPress drag and drop page builder that you really need. And the process won’t even be too long drawn or tiring.

Once you have followed the guide and found your match, it is time to create a website with WordPress. And march forwards toward other conquests in the digital world.

